Please contact us if you have any questions about the reunion.
Mail to us at:
60's Reunion Harding West
3116 Weddington Rd. Ste. 900-160
Matthews, NC 28105
(Make checks out to: 60's Reunion Harding West)
You may email us using the form below.
Your questions/comments can be forwarded to any
committee member(s) you specify in your message.
Bob Freeman H '66
Eddie Helms W '64
Linnie Perrell Helms W '66
Joyce Norman Love W '67
Joanna Cherry Palumbo H '65
Larry Parks W '68
Charlene Shipman H '68
Donna Mingus Simpson W '66
Roger Simpson H '65
Sandy Atkins Thornhill H '68
Karen Cline Wallace W '67
Terry Welch H '68